Visiting school, and being visited although it was not the 15th. And Spiderman.
Wednesday, 07/14/04 - 10:50 pm.

At 9:30 this morning, Carmen came over to take me to my school, the ESJ. She drives insanely fast, but I was strangely confident. She almost crashed twice, but that's ok. I think.

It was just strange, being there. The most familiar place of all for me (aside from my house, duh), and the place I will never go back to. I saw all the kids in uniforms, the school hasn't really changed. It wasn't the nostalgia strike I was expecting, thank God, but at a certain point I kind of missed wearing that damned skirt...and that's lame, I admit it.

I saw Hector, my senior high coordinator. I saw Fidel! Good Fidel, I missed him. I saw my high school science teachers, too, and one of them asked us (Carmen and I) to have a cup of coffee in the teachers' lounge (that seems to be impenetrable when you're a student...well, I got over that in 9th grade, when Fidel used to take me out of class just to have coffee with him and have deep conversations...I miss that, too).

I saw Irene (my classmate at the university, yes?), too, who's the PE teacher (and she's only my age). And then Carmen and I took off for the movie theater. The mall is just two blocks away from school, though, so we had no hurries.

I loved Spiderman 2, and one day I'll dedicate a whole entry to Spiderman, because Spiderman owns the world, even if he wears thighs (that looks cool when he's flying and all, but it's definitely not for land).

Then she brought me back home, after hours of fun (from 9:30 to 2:30). Yeah, I had fun. She drove fast, and she almost hit cars, but I saw Spiderman 2, Spiderman!, and I had nachos for lunch, and we talked about nice things.

But then she came home with me, and she stayed for some time. It seemed like a long time for me, because it was dull. Her topics were dull and I barely understood what she was talking about. "Ok, go away already!", is what I didn't say.

She left at 3:15. I was exhausted, most likely because I'm not used to "go out". At 3:30, the bell rang again, and it was Joseph. I'd been expecting him, he said today he'd go get his paycheck (he does have a job), take a picture of him for me, buy a cell phone and then come over.

Why didn't you tell me today was NOT the 15th?!. Small detail, he gets paid every 15th. And today is not the 15th, right? He realized that long after he'd left his house. And thereferore didn't do anything else in his plans but visit me. I laughed for a couple of minutes about that, I'm sorry, I hadn't realized that, either. I did, yesterday. I realized it was tuesday the 13th, but then it just...slipped my mind. I suck sometimes.

He stayed for maybe half an hour, and we talked about Peter Parker mostly, because...well, there's a lot to talk about Peter Parker, isn't it? When he was leaving, he said goodbye to my mom, who called him "Mr. Joseph" *gasp*. They were nice to each other, and that was cute. And not really awkward. Not that much. I think.

I laughed with my nephew a lot tonight, I love him. He's the funniest pre-teen ever, and I think he's great material for when he spitted his mouthwash a few minutes ago. He's like a little brother, only not annoying. It's a shame this is the last week he stays at my house, but at least then Rebeca (his sister) will. They're here for a month, so each of them spends two weeks at one of the grandparents' house, and then they switch.

And now my dad is watching a shocking movie about a hospital burning up, and how people are trying to get away, but fail and die in horrible ways. I say humanity needs many Spidermen.

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