One craptacular entry.
Sunday, 01/27/02 - 9:38 pm.

This is the CUTEST Sim I've ever seen in my whole life. I love my life as a sim: I went downtown with him and he (you'd better have realized who he is...) gave me red roses.'s incredible that sometimes I find more joy living in a world of avatars. Man, I hate needing a soulmate.

I have to write another I want people of my prom to remember me and how the fuck I'm going to make that happen. Shit, shit, shit. I've only typed 1/4 of it and this time I can't make up complex words. There's nothing good to say about that: Gee, I at least hope they remember I existed. Despite how charming I am (am I?), I don't get along with people, not enough to be the huggest influence in their lives. I give up for today. I won't give up tomorrow, I swear (I have to turn it in on tuesday, anyway....oooh, how I love deadlines.....).

Ok, one more try....*ahem*.........nope, writer's block. Fuck, I'm not even a writer. Aawww, I'll write a short autobiography of myself, what the hell.

I've decided I want to give my voice to an animated charachter from any given movie (as long as it is good quality). Imagine seeing some cool charachter with some highlights of your face and your voice. I saw the Making of Monsters Inc. and I compared Billy Cristal and Mike Wizowski (or however you spell it). It's unfuckingbelievable! I want to do that shit, too!!!! I want to be a cartoonist, an animator, the base of a charachter...yes, I want to be famous, which according to E!, it's the new American dream. I watched this show, In Focus: they were talking about people wanting to be famous. I feel pathetic for being part of the mass but I can't help it. And anyway, I'm going for a different kind of fame.

There are three locations: the audience, the stage and backstage. The audience is the general public, Simeon is onstage and I am backstage. People love Simeon, they relate, they laugh. They only see what's onstage, not what's backstage -c'est moi-. But somehow, I am famous. What they're seeing onstage it's part of me. Simeon is a huge part of me (the kind that makes you go: "what'd I do without it?!?"). Simeon performs onstage, the audience loves Simeon and backstage, me, the one who started it all, can only feel proud of the boy *imaginary tear in left eye*.

I wish I could write longer but it's quite late and maybe I can come up with another! craptacular! idea! for an one-line paragraph for my two-paragraphs essay (that's what it seems it'll turn out to be) before I go to bed.

I've noticed something pathetic....most of my paragraphs start with "I".

The truth is that there isn't such thing.

I just came up with that, you can say I am so crappy. But thinking about it...that line is a bit ironic.

And everybody's question after realizing the irony is....

So what?

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