I couldn't come up with a festive short description to actually describe the shallow joy of reaching the 300th entry.
Wednesday, 06/19/02 - 1:07 pm.

From last night to this moment, I've read 200 pages of one of the books. I'm reading Danielle Steel's Mirror Image.

It's just a pink novel, but I love it. It's about identical twins, Victoria and Olivia. They're the opposite of one another, but they can't be apart.

At first I couldn't help thinking they both were like Veronica and me. There was a time when she and I were best friends, and she used to consider me her sister. We're not alike at all, but one day her uncle thought I was her. Veronica is Victoria. I am Olivia. Heck, even our names sound that related. But as I was reading more and more, I realized there's not much to compare, other than the opposite personalities. But I think I'd never related so much to a character in a book.

No matter how different her (Olivia's) situations are, comparing to mine, it's like she and I end up having the same feelings. The same thoughts, sacrifices, disappointments...everything. It's like I am reading my own story, if I'd had a twin sister. Simeon says it's neat and cute.

Speaking of Simeon, he and I came up with the perfect name for our cactus this morning. His name is Spiderman. Simeon figured Spiderman would be the perfect sidekick for Simeonman. As a bonus, Aerosmith plays the "Spiderman theme", so not only do we have a nice cactus named Spiderman, but Aerosmith plays a song for him.

Yes, life is good.

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