Quick crappy update.
Tuesday, 06/25/02 - 2:59 pm.

There's a massive exchange of graduation pictures at school. I've given away copies of mine to a few people who've asked for it, and I've asked several others for copies of theirs. So far, I only have Vic's and Patch's. Those pictures are in my wallet, along with my nephews and niece and Aerosmith photos. Both guys wrote something for me on the back of the pic. It does feel good to carry your friends in your wallet, I'd never done that. Because first off, I don't even carry my wallet, it's always in my backpack. Vic looks great. (...) enjoy it while you can, 'cause you won't see me like this ever again. Long live rock & roll! Fuck it all. Love, Vic. By "like this", he meant all dressed up, with a tie and a suit. He's the skater kind of guy.

Speaking of pics, I wrote two paragraphs about all this for the high school "newspaper" (it's more like a pamphlet). The lit teacher walked up to me and said: write something for the news, whatever you want, two paragraphs, I want it now. I got pissed off. I'm not the kind of person that writes for newspapers. I hate being told to do something I don't and can't do, specially when there's pressure involved. Eventually, as I was writing the second paragraph, I said "fuck it" and wrote from my heart [*evil grin*]. I don't want it to be published, everything written in that newspaper sounds so fuckin' dorky and boring and ridiculous...Adriana, the obese girl and Vic said it was a cool article and couldn't wait to see it on the news. Believe me, I can.

I tried to bite Denver again today, three times. But he always reacts so I only get to pinch him. I'll do it tomorrow. He's got a BKB game and so do I.

As usual, I went to see the soccer match on the second recess. They sucked more than ever. In words of the gang: baaaaastaaard. "Bastard" for them is an adjective...even a verb. So, yeah, that game was bastard and lame. Elsy and two of her friends showed up. I guess that means I'll have company from now on, which in no way makes me happy. I'm there for the pure pleasure of seeing the guys fuck up. They're there for...the guys. No, they're not sluts, they're great people. But since they're popular, they have to socialize with everybody. Elsy specially is always surrounded by boys. People love her. We didn't talk, they were discussing the upcoming pre-graduation party, and how well the boys get along. These girls talk a lot about how the seniors should be united and shit, so they were glad to see most of the boys have gotten together to play. There goes Little Big Badtzu, who once was big and now is little, Patch said several times to...well, Little Big Badtzu.

The guy? oh, he's around. I'm always trying to be seen by him, you know how lame can one be. He talked the whole third recess with a girl (the one he was in love with last year). Sure, I was kind of jealous. But, hey, whatever......I guess. I might call him. No.....no, maybe not.

Let's take a break from my day and check out Steven Tyler stuff. I found this over the net. Useless, great stuff I'd love to have. I also found this, kind of...well, yes...cute.

I'm more scared now. Fuck! now I know what you mean...it *is* falling down!!!. Vic finally believed me. That piece of ceiling is falling down. It looks more dangerous than ever, but no one fuckin' repairs it. The crowd in danger..., someone told me. They joke about my death. Cool...sort of.

The streets are suspicious today. No traffic jam.

Damn, this entry is nothing but a lame follw-up of yesterday's. Sad indeed. It was a nice day, only it's that kind of personal day that if you shared with anyone else, they'd get bored.

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.

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