OMG, WTF!?!?!?!?
Monday, 11/07/05 - 9:36 pm.

I had a lot to tell about today, but it mostly revolves around how fucked up I am regarding my schedule.

However, I'll focus on the fact that my brother came today from Houston. He has a commitment, and will be here for three days. That's nice.

I was in my room, coming from the university when he arrived, after being picked up by my dad and sister from the airport. I heard an usual yelling, and I wondered, literally, WTF.

When I came out to the living room, I saw my brother Alan, who'd also come from Texas, as a surprise for my mom. They'd both kept it quiet, and my mom was crying.

My family (meaning parents and siblings) is unexpectedly together *smiles*

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