Water park, movie, Jesus, Joe, Joseph and Veronica.
Friday, 04/14/06 - 9:50 pm.

Today's my nephew 10th birthday. Him, my sister and I have pretty much spent the day together. We went to a water park for most of the day, and we went to see Nanny McPhee (beautiful!) at night. It's been a long, fun day. And I'm going to top it off watching Jesus of Nazareth, the best film on the subject, I've heard.

I used to love AND attend some of the religious activities of the Holy Week when I was a child. Those times are gone, but Jesus the person will always have a powerful effect on me. I doubt I'll be watching the whole torture thing, I can't stand it, it makes me cry so hard. I'm afraid this sounds clich� and awfully fanatic, but I love Jesus.

On less religious news:
- Me: well, I'll be logging off now.
- Joe: ok.
- Joe: Hey
- Me: yeah?
- Joe: we should go to the movies.

Oh, Lord. I could only say "yeah, sure". But I won't. You see, I could go out with any guy I know, go for lunch, go to a bohemian place, anything. But with Joe...it'd feel like I'm cheating on Joseph. I wouldn't feel that with Vic, for example, and we've actually talked about going out to catch up. No, I can't go out with Joe. It's too dangerous.

Speaking of Joseph, he called me in the morning. He was home, when I thought he was at the beach, in this three-day-long party. He was, but had to come back for something. I received his phone call when I was in the car with my sister, on our way to the park. I'm not sure if my cell phone is one of those that let you hear the person on the other end; if so, she heard yet another of his marriage proposals, but didn't say anything about it.

At the park, I received a text message from Veronica. Wow. She said she hoped I was having a nice vacation, and that she missed me. I had the urge to call her and say "hey, let's go out!". I still do, I have for four years now (fuck!), and yet I never get around to doing it. I still care deeply about her.

I'll get back to watching the movie.

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