Dissapointed, nervous and THANKED
Friday, 08/11/06 - 11:46 pm.

I'll be short and sweet:

1. I'm sorry I keep Frog from having sex. I feel awful for removing her from under her long time dog boyfriend dog (seriously, they only flirt with each other), because it's just instinct, but I don't want to bring any more puppies into this cruel world.

2. My mom will undergo surgery tomorrow morning. She'll be back home on monday. I'm a bit nervous, but this is standard procedure for someone her age, I'm told. I hope all goes well.

3. I got paid today, and for the first time, I got a note saying the government is holding 22 bucks from me. I'm very dissapointed, because I expected a $400 paycheck, and all I got was $198. I mean, the child abuse projects owes me two months, $200 each. I guess I won't be getting paid anymore. Bastards. And it doesn't even end! NEVER!

4. On another dissapointing note, I thought I was done with my social service, but it seems I still owe 32 hours. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE WITH THOSE STUPID HOURS!!! I don't get it. I was even supposed to have more than 600, and 600 is the rule. I hate this. I thought I was free.

5. AND NOW A HAPPY NOTE!!!!! PERHAPS THE HAPPIEST NOTE IN A LONG TIME!!! See, I've found Aerosmith Heaven in YouTube, and I was watching this award show. Steven Tyler was thanking and all these people, and suddenly he mentions MY NAME. MY NAME!!! I never even knew how it was really pronounced in english (though I suspected it), because all the english-speakers I've met never got it right. And he goes through it effortlessly, like a sneeze. Damn, my life is complete now, and my left arm is starting to hurt. But don't mention it, man.

6. Bye *dies*.

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