911, earthquake, news keys, work, Simeon.
Wednesday, 06/13/07 - 9:48 pm.

I dialed 911 this morning. And it turned out to be a false alarm. How. Fucking. Embarrassing.

In other news, I recovered from the loss of my keys. I realized I was getting very upset because the lost keys belonged to fundamental aspects of my life: my house, Joseph's house, university. Am I being too freudian here, though? Probably I'm just upset over losing a Gothic Hello Kitty keychain that Art brought me from the USA. Either way, I already got a copy of the cubicle one, that was the most important, because it's a key I have to return at the end of the semester.

Well: an earthquake today, a penguin found in the coast and a tiny tornado, both a few days ago. The world is probably coming to an end, but I'm really busy with university. Only three more weeks of class, but my schedule is full with articles, practices, reports, exams...I have a workshop, an exposition and a visit to the public school tomorrow.

On the bright side, I'll get to see Joseph afterwards. On the bright side, my boss (the professor I'm an instructor for) gave me a donut today, and that melted my heart. Also, when I went to get the cubicle key copied, I bought a marshamallow - covered - in - chocolate lollipop, one for me and for one Irene (she was a little down, reexperimenting the death of her father; she never worked on that, and it happened about 8 years ago).

And the brightest news is that I lent S two of my Simeon notebooks. I was reading them yesterday and I can't believe it...I laugh so much, it's like I didn't write them. Actually, I stand by the opinion that I didn't. The characters come to life and they do what they want; that's what cartoonists, writers, etc., say, and I can confirm that. Simeon is someone who came into my life and developed, we grew up together. Pretty much like having a child: he comes from me, but he's a person of his own.

I'm excited that S will read them, because I know he might appreciate the cartoons. He was very excited. We haven't had that -an audience- in a long time.

Back to work!!!

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