Scratch the holidays.
Tuesday, 12.23.2014 - 9:04 pm.

Andrew answered the door today at noon. I heard someone tell him that his brother had passed away. Andrew disappeared into the bedroom, and I took over, I found a policeman at the door. He was very kind, he even looked kind.

Andrew's brother is dead.

Andrew had to call a police station in the capital city (where his brother lived) to find out why but while authorities wouldn't disclose it over the phone. He had a history of depression and related afflictions and that's the main possibility for us.

We went to tell his mother and grandfather. His mother lost it, she just broke, like a glass figure. She had been so radiant lately, having bounced back from a long, heavy depression. She was happy, with our wedding and meeting my family and the holidays. Her face lit up when she entered the living room and saw us, until Andrew sat her down and held her and the grandfather's hands and just started crying. She knew. And she ran all over the house and screamed and kept asking if her son had died. Like she'd get hit in the head and forget the last couple of minutes, and kept coming back to the same moment when the news broke, over and over. I'd never had in front of me a woman who has just lost her child.

Andrew just took a flight to the capital city, to run all those errands and bring his brother's body to this city as soon as possible. I have to run some errands myself to have things ready when they arrive. I'm sorry that Nephew #2's visit happens under these circumstances, but he's been very supportive and I'm thankful he's here.

Scratch the holidays.

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