The psychological filling and the I blame it on the cutting edge Matrix technology excuse.
Friday, 10/11/02 - 4:00 pm.

Hi, I repeated today the math exam and I got 4 points out of 6. That means I pass math this month. I got my grades today and all my averages are 7 and up. Except for math, but's the exception to the rule.

I'm wearing a new pair of jeans. The coolest jeans I've ever bought. I forgot to mention I went to the mall...I can't remember when. But not too long ago. I bought a lot of things, even a "boy-ish" t-shirt. But that's ok, my parental units never say anything about my clothes. You like it, so be it. I guess it helps the fact that I don't buy girly clothing (mini stuff, gliterry with the words "angel" or "princess" sucks). I get blue jeans with some pattern on and t-shirts. The one I bought this time is black, it has two racing cars on the back and blue-and-purple flames on the sleeves. I bought it at the Men's department.


One thing I love about my parental units, is that they never interfere with my sense of style. And I feel good, ok? I like to feel like a rock star before going on stage.

You have no idea how much it costs to look this cheap - Steven Tyler.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I've been acting violent lately. In a good way. I guess I got part of Pablo's DNA when we declared our brotherhood. Now I jump on people, mosh them to the walls, pat them on the back...and the latest episode of today: I acted as if I was mad at Roberto. It was kind of funny...I approached to Carmen, gave her a small notebook to write something for me in it and then I turned to Roberto, frowned and said while sticking out my index finger: and then it's fuckin' you. I turned around and walked away. Four feet away, I turn around, look at him: he's looking back at me with his jaw dropped...I smile. He exhales and smiles. Then he and Carmen crack up.

It's nice to make an impression on people.

I discovered that Pablo fills in a psychological hole I have. You see, these past three days I've been climbing on him. Pablo is this huge beast, very tall and extremely strong. The first time I jumped on his back, he started spinning round and round. Yesterday, I did the same thing, and not only did he spin, we (meaning him and me on his back) ended up nine feet away from where he started spinning. And today was the best: he ran accross the hallway. He wasn't even grabbing me, he was running like nothing. I was on his back, and all I could see was his arms moving back and forth extremely fast, and the floor literally passing by. When I got off his back, we were out of the hallway. My heartbeats were faster. He was like nothing had happened.

That must be the closest to riding on a cloud.

(- Simeon: like on Dragon Ball?.
- Me: yeah. I actually told him he was one complete 'Goku'.)

So I told him he was like this psychological tree of mine. As far as I can remember, I've never climbed a tree. A real tree. Just bastard bushes...
���Yours truly and Simeon's sider note: "bastard" is used as an adjective to define something lame���
...and climbing on him kind of fills me in. Spiritually speaking. I love to jump, put my arms around his neck and have him bent for me to hold on thight and then he stands back up straight. He doesn't even grab me.

So the point is, I've been very violent. Yesterday I was walking with Adri, through the hallway, and I greeted a lot of people I ran into. And Adri makes me notice: you've greeted everybody by hitting them.

There's a sound us Class of 2002 people make at times like this. When you use your strenght or show off yourself. But I don't think I can't translate it to words. When I find a charachter that goes that way, I'll mention it. But for the moment, let's just refer to that sound with the word "Hulk".

(*Simeon goes hulk while showing off his muscles*)

Something I forgot to mention yesterday is that Denver grabbed my wrists and made me punch his face with my fist, several times. The bad part is that I always wear rings, and I can feel them hurting his flesh. One time was funny, two was enough and three...I refused to keep on doing it, and I just called him jackass. The fourth and last time, I asked him what was wrong with him. He seemed to find some kind of pleasure in harming himself with my fists. The fourth time, he even remained standing up near me, waiting for me to finish talking to someone...then he approached, grabbed my wrist, and made me hit him. Then -as usual- he walked away.

As I thought yesterday, him and me interacting was just a Matrix glitch, that's been already repaired. I had no interaction with him today, except that we punched each other once.

He was staying this afternoon at school, because there's this massive Confirmation mass. I kind of regret not staying, because Roberto and Sophie are two of the recipients of it. I completely forgot it was today. I'm still a bit regretful, but at least there's a ray of light shining down on me and my regret from the brighter side.

Besides, since Denver was staying, I wouldn't have been entirely happy. I'm always with my eyes open, trying to see where he is and who he is with...I'm some kind of scientific stalker. Never following him, but always having in mind the places he could be at, his potential companions and the hypothetical reasons why he is where he is. No, no, no...that's not healthy for my feelings. And so, one has to stay away from temptation.

Seriously...what is that one thing that keeps you from being in love with me?

Hasn't that question ever crossed your mind when you're in front of the mirror thinking of the one you love that doesn't love you back? It occurs to me when I come back from school (almost everyday), after a frustrated plan of having him interact with me.

Today I was talking to Vic and Pablo and Vic said that I'm one of the coolest beings on earth, that I'm out of this world, and that he's grateful for being present when I open my mouth to say something. And then Pablo replies something to that effect. That really is an ego booster, much more if it comes from people you appreciate and are attached to, but it also leaves you wondering why, if you have such "magnetic personality", you can't atract that one person.

Vic often says I am the one girl a boy would kill to have. I'm really not into passional crime, so I don't need that from a relationship. I just wish I had a similar effect on the boy I like, as I have it on some of my friends who say, in a nutshell, that I'm uniquely special.

On unrelated news, I keep hitting my shoulder everyday. For no specific reason, in no specific place. I just discovered that if I press the bone, it hurts.

It's already starting to look like october. I can feel the wind is blowing harder. You can tell it's october when you get the feeling it's the last day of november/the first day of december. Such is life with this wheather.

Ok, bye.

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