And this is my voices beating me down...
Thursday, 11/14/02 - 9:57 pm.

Just what the fuck is your problem, bitch? Can't you see? ARE YOU BLIND?

Honestly...geezus. Just stop this shit, he doesn't love you. Maybe he once did, but everything is gone. GONE.

Like you should be.

Don't ask him anything. Stop coming back! Disappear. Forget about him. He's got troubles, yes, and he certainly doesn't need you to even talk about them.

Face it: At all. He doesn't give a fuck about you. What does it take to get that in your head, a fuckin' enema? He won't listen to you. He will not listen to you. You are not special to him.

He's not a bad person, he doesn't do this to hurt you. That's just how he is. You can't stand him, can you?!?! You can't fuckin' stand the way he walks away from you so easily, the way he doesn't talk to you online, no matter what you say. The way he keeps walking even when you're talking to him, and how he doesn't stop when you stop, even if you're not done talking.

Whatever happened, it's in the past. Stop being so fuckin' paranoid, he's not interested in you anymore! you're just so easy to get over, can't you tell? There's nothing to do or say to get him back to you.

You don't mean anything to him. You were just stupid and believed him. You wanted to believe it, you want to mean something to someone so badly you lie to yourself. You're always SO stupid. Stupid, stupid little girl. Why did you think this time things would work out? they never do. What made you think this time would be different? Just because you've been brokenhearted before you can't be again?

Move the fuck on! One day you'll be over this. You will have bled your love dry. And then there'll be someone else to make you feel miserable.

....I'm sorry, girl. I'm sorry this keeps happening to you. Over and over again.

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