Beatles, Aero, tears, distractions and alltogethernow.
Sunday, 02/09/03 - 9:35 pm.

Today's Phil's birthday. Also, today, in 1964, The Beatles appeared for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show.

That day, a few boys out the 70 million viewers got too caught up with that. And years later, thanks to that performance, they formed a band named Aerosmith.

Besides all that, I've had an exhausting day, working with my friends on an assigment. They stayed the entire day, and although it was stressful, we pulled it off. And we had a lot of fun.

I finally got to see Yellow Submarine. I LOVE THAT FUCKIN' MOVIE!!! I love the end, when the real Beatles are talking about souvenirs and singing "all together now" *HEART*

Javier and I watched it together. I couldn't believe it, he was crying. Crying! A Beatles' movie made my 6 year old nephiew cry. That part where "Jeremy" is being sung "Nowhere Man" to. I must admit though, that was so damn heartbreaking.

But of course, Ringo took him with them. And Javier could finally whipe his little tears.

And I've got a hole in my pocket...Well, half a hole, anyway...I gave the rest to Jeremy.

I've had a good day. I didn't think of D a lot, I didn't think about anything else, because I've been busy. Like I said a couple of days ago, days are getting longer, but also busier.

But at least for now, that's ok. It keeps me distracted.

- John: There's only way to go out.
- George: How's that?
- John: SINGING!


I could watch the last two minutes of Yellow Submarine for hours.

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