Happily depressed.
Monday, 09/03/01 - 9:23 p.m..

I'm happily depressed. I'm not going to participate in the contest to see Aerosmith live, because dad said NO. NO means limitation...I've been limitated. Me? Limitated? Yes, from now on until I live under my parents' roof.

Well, it's monday. I tried to stay away from my "friend", "C", but she seems to be a bit blind and not notice I want to be alone, or at least not with her...or anyone else from that school.

On the other hand, my "other friend" ignores me...why not? she's got a boyfriend. She's dumped me since 8th grade, when she found her new friends, the hormones. Actually, I'd been friends with her, "V", since 4th grade, she was my best friend. Then we met "C" and we were three (do the math, duh)...we sorta have a good time together (they were always arguing for every fuckin' little piece of crap)...and suddenly, on 8th grade, they walked on me and screwed me up. Both of them.

I told them how I felt but they just didn't fuckin' listen. I promised my-poor-self to never forgive them. I was so fuckin' hurt. I still am. So very deeply. We kind of made up a few years later, but after three years of being such bitches they finally got completely "divorced" (theye were always fighting, then getting back together, breaking up, getting back together...) and I'm the kid in the middle, choosing who I'm gonna spend the recess with (who always happen to be C, because she doesn't have a boyfriend, and V does).

Well, it's kind of late, so I won't get deeper on this issue or I'll spend the night thinking of how miserable they've made my life ever since.

Anyway, I was on recess today and I kept myself away from the rest of the people (as usual). I was watching the Society jerking around in their "domains"...

The Society is a group of cool pimps and hot babes, basically popular people. Most of them are brainless, may I add...

Ok, so I was in recess, watching them, and suddenly C comes up to me....I thought "did anyone call you?...no, so go to hell". Of course, she didn't read my mind so she sat next to me...

...being with her it's like being alone twice.

Well, I'd better go to bed. I can't believe that I won't even participate to see Aerosmith live...I'm cursed. And it's still monday. The worst part is that tomorrow it's tuesday. I hate tuesday more than monday. I hate the guy who's always ignoring me, when I'm just trying to be his friend, not his sexual object. I hate V, she's never for me anymore, she's not my friend anymore. I hate to be with C, it's boring.

I'm cursed. I'm limitated. But I still feel happy. Aw, how nice.

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