Worst cold ever! Worst cold ever!
Tuesday, 06/01/04 - 9:43 pm.

I am sick. Stuffed nose, heavy eyelids, red and teary eyes, sorethroat, general shaking, cold with fever. And while I'm in midterms.

I am so sick I can't type a lot. Just know I'm very, VERY unhappy, and I keep trying to hold back my tears. I'm not able to study for more than five minutes, and I'm afraid I'll fail tomorrow's midterm.

I don't quite mind the cold, even if it keeps me in a knock-out. I just hate the timing. I have a lab tomorrow, along with the roughest midterm, plus two more midterms (one on friday, one on saturday), two researches due for next week, and a quiz next thursday.

Please, please, please, I just want to rest. I just want this HELL, that started two weeks ago (that contains the psychological weight of the murder of a friend and the leaving of another friend and a brother), to be over. And it doesn't seem it will, for at least ten more days.

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