Wizard of Oz, two ex-girlfriends and a change of plans, on an annoyingly hot day.
Wednesday, 06/23/04 - 10:47 pm.

How's that old saying, "it's been a hard day's night", or something? It's been a rough day. And particularly hot, and I hate hot weather. I HATE IT, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE IT? A lot.

I was annoyed because I had two hours of guitar lessons today. Victoria and I skipped it for a week, during midterm week, and she said to the instructor: "do you think we can make it up?". He's too nice, so he said he could give us an extra hour (and it's two lessons per week). She said ok, and I didn't say a word. I mean, how could I? My instructor is so nice, and I like him. He's very talented and patient. So I said thank you, and I was there at 2:30 sharp today, ready for class. I LOVE guitar, but I wanted to be with Joseph.

My instructor owns the world. I guess he does just what all musically educated people do, but still...he amuses me. I asked him to teach me how to figure out melodies by ear. I chose "any road" and "P2 Vatican Blues" and he figured out the chords and the progressions and all that just by listening to the first verses twice. Who's this from, by the way?, he asked me. George Harrison, I answered. Ah, the master...no wonder why it sounded so familiar.

I had to leave in the middle of Biological Basis of Behavior class, because my friends and I had scheduled a meeting with our Methodology professor, to talk about our research. We call him "the Wizard of Oz". And we have one or four reasons to do so. Oh, and Frog, my dog, is Toto.

After that I finally got to be with Joseph properly. But I was very worried about him, because something had happened to him. He can't hide when he's feeling miserable, and I knew. He was sweating, and I was scared he was going to start crying.

I asked him what happened. He said he'd had an encounter and had been betrayed. It took me a while to figure out he'd met up with two of his ex-girlfriends. I tried to get away from that situation, but my friends set me up...I feel betrayed, like you have no idea. Both of them hugged me, and told me to take care of myself, and to take care of you..."right". That's all I could say, when in my mind I had so much shit to tell them.

Ok, one ex-girlfriend cheated on him with a girl, because she is a lesbian. The other ex-girlfriend is the one who left for Rome (and whom I met last week). Both hurt him a lot, one after another (here's another detail, they're related to each other by blood).

I wanted to get out of there...my friends had left me with them, and they were laughing at me, as if this was a joke. They didn't understand how I was really feeling. I was miserable. I just wanted you to be there with me. You're the woman I love. One was the woman I once loved, one was the woman I once adored...and they both were talking to me, and I just wanted you to be there to give me a hug.

I don't know what exactly those girls talked about with him. I supposed he was in the situation I could've been, had Veronica and Carmen (baaack in 8th or 9th or 11th or 12th grade) realized how much they'd hurt me, and came to apologize. Key word: I supposed. And Joseph says one must never suppose. So seriously, I don't know what they really talked about. But he was very upset and I didn't want to ask, perhaps I will tomorrow. Just for the record, I'm madly in love with him.

My dad was supposed to pick me up at 9 o'clock, so Joseph and Fer stayed with me. We went to the coffeehouse, but my dad, as usual, wasn't comfortable thinking his daughter was alone outside the university campus, under the rain (which I was not! And I told him, "I'm at a coffeehouse"), so he got out of his event (poetry reading at some bohemian restaurant) at 8:30. Shame, because I had to swallow my cheese cake and leave Joseph and Fer. Fer offered me a ride home, but...unfortunately, I thought a lot about my dad, "he'll say no".

Next time, I will definitely just tell my dad: "dad, I have a ride, see you at home". It's for the good of the both of us. He interrupts his evening, I lose independence. I seriously regret not even trying to tell him I did have a ride.

Surprise, surprise, I have a paper to finish. I'm quite proud of it, and I'd post it, but it's not in english. And hell, no, I am not going to translate it.

Angel: kthxbye.

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