Wednesday, 07/07/04 - 11:04 pm.
Well, hi, hello. I had a 3-and-a-half -hour long final tonight (methodology of investigation), from 5:30 to 8:30. I freaked out at the lenght, but I'm confident I didn't fail. Not a lot, anyway...
Never underestimate the value of trial and error, yes?
Well, today's Ringo's birthday (happy birthday, Ringo!), and I spent the morning reading for my final and listening to music with my nephew. The afternoon was for studying and being with Joseph for a while (oh, how could we leave him out of my thoughts? duh). At night I read my nephew stories from my psychology of development book, like Elvis Prelsey's birth and Anne Frank's development as a teenager.
Oh, my nephew is so lovely. So is my niece, you know, but she's not in my house, she's at the other grandmother's. I feel sorry for her, because she's been babysitting TWO 2 year olds all day, and she hasn't been able to rest and recover from yesterday's long way from Houston. I hate that, she should come over, so she could listen to music with us, and keep me company while I read for my finals (not exactly studying, to be honest...).
My bedroom smells like new wood, and it's because there's new wood in my bedroom. Duh. I have a new bookshelf, made with old wood. My room is tidier now, which rules. I think I should've become a carpenter. It's such a praiseworthy activity...I'm thinking of leaving the career of psychology and start working on wood. I'd make statues of amoebas and the like, and I'd travel around the world making exhibitions.
My brain hurts. Which is not possible, because the brain has no nerves. My head in general hurts, then. I'm very tired, but it's only two more finals to go.
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