Saturday, 07/17/04 - 12:11 pm.
I've told Joseph that if I die in this trip, he'll be in charge of Frog. Today is our second month anniversary, and although it still sounds insignificant (not as pompous as, say, 8 months), but it's been wonderful. He's not perfect but...he is perfect, anyway.
This morning I saw a man on the street selling parrots, and he kept them in a backpack. I wanted to cry and beat him up and steal them. I saw many things while riding in the car with my dad, and I have all the right to say I hate this country, or rather the stupid people in it.
I got a package from my friend Angel, and I keep smiling at his words, the A&E Aerosmith concert he taped for me, all the Happy Bunny stuff (each Happy Bunny item contains the word suck, because Angel sucks very much), the CD, the SHIRT HE MADE WITH MY AEROSMITH DRAWING ON IT! This is better than christmas when I was a kid. Aw, I love that loser, I love him as much as he sucks.
Now I'm leaving for...a mountain? Wherever that cabin is. I guess I should start trying to have a good time. Bye for now, or something.
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