Shameless decorated paper bags for everybody.
Wednesday, 12/26/01 - 9:34 p.m..

I'm nothing. I'm just a human being who wants to be happier.

That was my nephew. He's so damn funny, even for a 9-year old. He makes a funny face and says weird stuff. He's come up with an idea: everytime someone gets burned in the kitchen, (s)he has to go to the bedroom!. He's behind the rug right now, talking in some weird language he just came up with. He's such a Billy Elliot. He just can't stop moving. He's quite hyperactive tonight. He cracks me up.

What a day. My brother took the kids and I out for breakfast. We went to McDonald's and then we went shopping. I really didn't mean to buy anything, but I bought shoes. They were on clearence sale, from $40 to $15. Plus, I needed "decent" shoes, or so everybody says. Oh, yes, my brother paid for them. Part of my check. Did I mention my check?

In my stocking there was a $100 check. It's kind of "monopoly money" or something, they'll give it to me little by little, because they're not in the happiest economic situation. I'm ashamed of receiving that much, so I'll try to avoid their money. Nice gesture, though, I do appreciate it.

Anyway, after we went shopping, my brother Renan dropped us (the kids and I) off in the school playground, and there we stayed for about 45 minutes. Then we went back home, to watch The Princess Diaries (noooooo!!!! not again!) and have lunch. Then we played Twister. That was one of the christmas presents they got. I'd never played it in my life and it's quite funny. They also got Clue and Monopoly. Can't wait to play those.

I finally heard from Melvin...did I mention that Melvin hadn't written in a while? (*Simeon slaps yours truly's head gently*) Oh, sorry. My bad. Bad llama!. So, ok, he hadn't written in a while....duh-huh! I was really worried and just thought the worst I mean him failin' summer school and being depressed and too ashamed to tell me, and even more, knowing that he wouldn't be with us. But nope...he didn't.....uh, not that I know. He just said he wasn't able to check his e-mail before. Not a word on whether he made it or not. Shit, I hate that. He could have told me. Julieta also wrote (thanking me for the e-card) and didn't say a thing either (she was also on summer school...not a big friend of mine, but she's been in that school since pre-school, just like me and it would be a shame if she got thrown out with just one year more to go)...Norman doesn't tell me about Carmen...I mean, they could be a bit more communicative. I'd do it for them. Dad says that communication is really important. Fuck, it is. Think about it.

(Huh?......what?.......What do you mean, Simeon?..........guy who?....oh, yeah! yes, yes, yes, that guy) The guy. He can go to hell. He didn't e-mail me. I probably won't call him when I get back.

Ok, talk about past relationships....I dreamed of the-guy-who-supposedly-is-out-of-my-life (Al). And the night before, I had dreamed of Melvin. Both were the same idea. This stupid "more than friends" theme. *Uuugh*. I'm sick of dreaming of that. Whatever happened to my lovely Aerosmith dreams? I used to dream of them twice a week (that's just an average, sometimes more, sometimes less). Always meeting them, being front row, going backstage, dancing in my living room, Steven Tyler as a murderer and Joe Perry as a detective (fact: Joe Perry appeared on the show "Homicide", between '97 and '99, playing a detective...*love sigh*...but, hey, look, here comes my luck again....I happened to find out that this episode aired again...but hell, I found that out the fuckin' day after!!!), talking to them, going to the Aerosmith store...I kept a record of how many dreams I was having.

I stopped counting by 7, but I know I've had over 2 dozens sold, like Charlie's Hamburger Joint (*Simeon sticks up thumb*). That was in my early days as a fan. Now all my dreams are about me trying to tape Aerosmith TV appearences, which I never get to do...*Simeon claps with boredom*. Shit, what the fuck is wrong with this device (I mean, my brain)? I want my good dreams back!!! I don't want to dream of Al suckin' my lips with his (*Simeon runs out of the room to get everybody a paper bag like the ones that are in the back of the seat that's right in front of you on a plane, "just in case"*)....*ahem*, sorry. I guess I said more than you ever wanted to know about me.

Quick, Simeon!!! go get an extra bag to cover my face!!! *Simeon covers yours truly's face with the paper bag, gets a marker and draws a three-eyes face and a smile on it*. And on your way, make an appointment with a surgeon and a lawyer. I'm changing my face and leaving town tonight.

Ok, ok. I'd better go. I have to practice The Fifth Symphony.......WWWHHHOOOHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *cough*, I mean, it's been some time since I practiced that one and piano in general. Aawww, I miss my piano lessons, and my old teacher, always talking about Beethoven and Chopin. Well, the reason of my shameless excitement (ok, I'm a bit ashamed but I'm still wearing the paper bag) is that I had forgotten it. I can't read and play at the same time, dammit. For someone who has taken piano lessons for a year, I pretty much suck. I always preferred to learned the songs by heart. So, I'd forgotten how to play it, and it definitely was taking a lot of time to read, and then read again, and then play while reading, then memorize, then practice...but magically, I was playing slowly and suddenly my fingers just started to move and press the right keys. My fingers ran all along the keyboard, flawless. Gee, I wonder how that happened. One thing I've learned...I do not have to think when I'm playing. Just feel. I don't have to think which key is next, the fingers know. It's like my memory was in them......My fingers are alive!!! Oh, no, they're going to eat me tonight!!!

Yeah, yeah, I was leaving. Sorry. I just wanted to say that Denise's relatives are arriving to Houston tomorrow, but they're not coming to this house until the day after tomorrow. Ummm......oh, joy. And I think we're going to ride the bike again tomorrow. *Simeon stretches and yawns for no reason related to what yours truly just said*.


We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Ooze....

["Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of The Ooze", or however you spell it...I think that's the best one from the trilogy (I waited and waited for the 4th part...*tear of disappointment in left eye*)......yes, I do realize that mentioning such stupid name like Teenagemutantninjaturtles makes me sound like a kid in a comic strip, talking about a disgusting superheroe with a stupid, long name.....not to worry, I'm still wearing my paper bag, I'm not ashamed]

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