Dog don'ts and a new semester.
Thursday, 08/19/04 - 10:24 pm.

To be honest, I don't have a lot of material to elaborate an entry today. Just dantesque images on TV of yesterday's jail riot and the remains of a dream in which Frog disappeared. Oh, and days later (in my dream) I found her in the arms of a fat, burgeous woman who'd commited the inexcusable crime of putting a dress and a hat on her.

I understand Tinkerbell, I too would like to get away from my owner if she made me wear clothes, hats and shoes, and was always carrying me around, like I'm a bag of beans, like I don't have legs of my own. And also if, to add insult to injury, she was very, very dumb, (which is the case, sadly).

The semester starts tomorrow. I'm quite indifferent about it, at least for now, so don't expect a long paragraph about it. Angie calls it "the fourth season", as if it were a TV show. I'm hoping this will be a nice season, then. You'll know all about it tomorrow, in my next entry, I'm sorry for you.

Surprise, I am done for tonight.

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