Only one more to go.
Tuesday, 09/28/04 - 10:16 pm.

Today's midterm, psychology of development II, was [I think] very easy, and I'm very confident. I hope I'll get something higher than 8...8.9 at least, yes? One can hope.

Today wasn't uneventful, but nothing interesting enough to be mentioned here happened. But it's my diary, right? I can say what I want.

I ran into M., my 10th grade science teacher. We've been friends since then. We talked for a while, and we'll go for a cup of coffee, sometime next week, as soon as I'm out of midterms...Only one more to go! *throws confetti*.

I'm a bit less stressed, because of that. I'm back to feeling for Joseph that thing I always feel. I must confess lately I was a little out of the loop in our relationship. It always happens when I'm in the middle of midterms, but it's annoying for him and for me. Sometimes I'd like to tell him "look, kid, let me study, see you later, ok?". But he'd take that as a permanent "I don't want to be with you anymore", which is really not the case.

He said I seemed distant, but I'm just being too nerdy. It's that thing in psychology, when you can't take your mind off something that's unfinished. I just want this midterm to be over, I want it to be friday night already, and feel that huge weight off my back. He'd say I worry too much, and worrying is pointless because it doesn't solve anything. I say it's a natural response to a situation, and therefore I should deal with it, without losing my mind over it.

I saw Veronica yesterday. She whistled at me from the second floor of the A building. When she smiled and waved at me and I smiled and waved back at her, I realized I still do miss her very much sometimes.

I'm taking the rest of the night off. I'll start studying (for the last midterm!) tomorrow morning. Respect.

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