Cancellation of plans and BB King.
Friday, 10/29/04 - 11:08 pm.

Today I saw how my book will turn out...I kind of like it. It'll be out in two weeks or so. It's an odd experience, and I hope everything will be ok.

I think I did ok in my midterm tonight. It must've been the pizza I had with Joseph at noon. Or the ice cream and all that girl talk with Irene, Angie and Victoria. They crack me up, they're always saying how lonely they are and that nobody (male-wise) wants them. They make me laugh, but Angie insists my laughter gives away my opinion on them: lister to her laughing...she's saying "bwhahahaha, you poor losers". And I can only laugh more (but I swear that's not true).

Speaking of Joseph, tomorrow he takes the tests to be get in the university, for maybe the 5th time (he always dropped out for one or another reason). I told him to go sober for once in his life, but I don't think he will.

So, I didn't attend the Beatles tribute tonight. My companions (brother, sister and nephew) backed off at the last minute. I feel really bad, because I'd told Joe I'd go.

He'd said you guys come see us tonight, at the end of the guitar lesson today. But as I was walking out of the guitar room, he asked me will you come?. He asked ME, nobody else. For the rest it was just "come see us". I replied I probably would (I wasn't counting on my family's cancellation).

He also lent me a B.B. King CD. He showed me the case and I mentioned I had the Elvis issue of that same collection. I'm curious about B.B. King, I added (I am, because Aerosmith talks about him...remember Aerosmith?). Take it, give it a listen, he said, handing it to me. I thought he was only showing me the case.

I saw him later, and I think he was looking at me (oh, and at Joseph walking up to me). I think I saw him putting his arm on the back of a girl...she's one of the two girls that are taking the guitar lessons with him, and she's also his classmate. I got hopeful, maybe she's his girlfriend, and now I'll finally move on. But the other part of me doesn't want him to have a girlfriend.

I was thinking...should I write him an e-mail, apologizing for not going (and also to ask him to send me a certain guitar program I'm interested in)? No, right? He probably won't care. Hell, he probably doesn't like me. That'd be the best thing for me right now. It's just that sometimes I can't help it...I see things, little things. Perhaps I'm making them up in my head.

Maybe it's good that I didn't go. Seeing him smiling at me from stage may be the last thing I need.

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