Awww, now I DO want a baby or two.
Tuesday, 12/28/04 - 11:48 am.

So last night we went for dinner at a friend's house. He's actually a far away relative from my dad, and a childhood friend of my siblings. There are lots of pitures when they all were children (10-12 years old), and this guy, who lived in my dad's village, was the one helping my siblings riding a horse.

About two years ago, my eldest brother found out this guy was also living in Houston, so they met up all those years later. This guy came into this country illegal, over 20 years ago, but now he's well established, married to a wonderful, nice woman from Guatemala, (who's a great cook, may I add), and have polite children. I love going to their house, they're so kind, they're part of the family for sure...and have lots of DVDs, and they're always inviting us to watch them with them.

We couldn't last night, as everybody is catching the flu (mine's going away) and my brother and his wife had to go to work today. But we still had dinner, and it was wonderful. They talked a lot, and even remembered I'd written a book. They started to pay attention to me because I didn't open my mouth all night, that's how they started to talk about it.

Even though the entire night was lovely, the highlight was me carrying a baby. The sister of the guy's wife arrived with her own family, and they had a 11 month old babby girl. I realized I hadn't carried a baby in the longest time. She was beautiful, and was playing with my guitar necklace. She sucked her index finger instead of her thumb, while she clinged to a lock of my hair. My brothers got scared because, they said, I looked too comfortable with a baby. They said I shouldn't get carried away with that.

Yeah, well, it's not my fault you siblings stopped providing babies for me to look after, so I might as well start thinking of making my own (as soon as I fulfill my academic goals). Perhaps you'd enjoy to know I already have the sperm donor area covered.

Ok, bye.

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