You owe me a new acorn.
Sunday, 01/20/02 - 10:49 pm.

Someday, in spite of my rational self, when I get as pissed off as this early morning, I''ll threaten someone with a knife.

Everybody will cry, scared and amused of my savage behavior, yet they won't have any other choice but to take me to a psychiatrist.

They'll take me into this cell, with four white, naked walls, and a 40 watts lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The room will be full of silent echoes, because I won't say a word. And every day I'll see images in every wall. I'll hate myself. I'll be afraid of being there, all alone, with no place to run away to from myself. They'll give me pills. I'll hurt myself as a punishment for trying to hurt my loved ones. And they'll put a straightjacket on me.

Moments like this half-second of this early morning, scare the living shit out of me. After they've passed. While they last, I just wish they last enough to make me do it. Mankind is an animal species. Animals have instinct. Instinct can be the opposite to rational.

And that'sssssssssssssssssssssss...bad?









Freedom and Inmortality.

The freedom to kick ass and the footprint to give you inmortality.

Whoo-hoo. I'll go to bed.

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