(Almost) back to the university and online nephew and niece.
Tuesday, 08/09/05 - 7:31 pm.

The semester starts next week, and today I got back to campus after a couple of weeks. It was full of students picking up papers. I was there, but to work on the child abuse project. I pick up papers tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get to see my friends (namely Irene, Priscilla and...well, I see Victor often, because we work on the same project, about child abuse; we even had coffee today, to relax).

The flu is killing me, though. I'm exhausted. It sucks up all my energy in a heartbeat, and it doesn't let me breath properly. I even choke when I eat.

In other news, my niece and I have been talking on Yahoo Messenger. It's cute, I found offline messages from her, telling me about this one lame pseudofriend she has, that was blaming her for something she didn't do. So we sorta talk, I guess she kinda looks up to me. I never find my nephew online, so I leave him messages.

Ok...that's all.

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