McDollar, a mistake, and, uh, Joe.
Friday, 08/26/05 - 11:03 pm.

Tonight, on my way home from the university, I was teeling my brother one day I have to be on campus since the morning (every monday), I'd go to the McDonald's accross the boulevard. Like three minutes later, he says "let's go to McDonald's", in a what-the-heck tone. So he turned back. I love my brother.

I hate what McDonald's stands for, and I've grown to dislike junk food, but once in a while I crave. There's a funny song from a spanish ska group called McDollar, with the bastard clown, etc. But I guess this is one of those cases we were talking about in Social Psychology this evening, how on the outside you do something even though deep down you don't agree with it.

I also got the answer to a fundamental question I started to ask myself years and years ago, when I grew social awareness. Now I know how to fight fatalism, and I'm still blown away. In real life it's much more complex than just talking about it in class, but still, I can go to bed knowing I learned something important today.

I think I made a little mistake with the photocopies for the guys in Psychodinamics, the subject I'm an instructor for. I left one out. That wouldn't be so bad, as I can just go to the place and tell the lady "make copies of this as well". The problem is, since the material makes for a huge brick (looks like a bible, $10 in photocopies of psychodinamics readings) everybody went on and fastened it with rings, so it's gonna be pretty hard to attach another bunch of pages, in the perfect order (first go Freud, then Jung...I skipped a Jung reading).

Oops. My bad. I'll blame it on my subconscious.

Other than that, all is well and busy in my world. I'll go visit Joseph on sunday, if all goes according to my plan. I already chose my illness for Psychology of the Abnormal Behavior, which will be anorexia. That's a tough assignment, I have to do a research all through the semester and then sit for an hour and talk about it. AN HOUR. Wish me luck.

I kept bumping into Joe today. I saw him walking around campus maybe six times while I was with Joseph. I remembered how I felt about him, first how I was hung up on him even though I didn't know him (he was just "the cute lanky long-haired guy who played guitar at the Beatles' tribute in october"). And then my long-time crush on him. I'm over that, for the most part. It comes and goes.

When I was going to my brother's office, after class, he was near a building, talking to this girl. I have a feeling they'll end up together, or that at least she likes him....and maybe he likes her. I don't know. I met her literally at the same time I met Joe, because she was my guitar workshop classmate and Joe was our instructor. But they both were also classmates, career pals. I got jealous a couple of times, but that was me being bitchy and childish (AND taken).

Perhaps I'll like Joe for the rest of my life, but it's nothing I'm dying for. I'm in love with Joseph, anyway. The problem is that Joe seems to get me, mentally speaking. The problem -I just realized this- is that sometimes, when we're chatting (strangely enough, our relationship has been almost exclusively through the internet) I feel like I'm talking to a Simeon. He's got that wicked sense of humor in which you say funny things and you mean them, but you don't mean them. Something like that. It's strange.

Ugh, I feel Super Size. I think I have a Super Sized indigestion. I knew this was going to happen. It's not even the guilt of having junk food, my body itself has learned to reject it.

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