With great responsibility comes a great responsibility.
Tuesday, 09/13/05 - 9:38 pm.

Today was the LAST DAY of evaluations at the ESJ. It's a relief. But do you see me jumping? No. Because I don't jump. And if I did, I still wouldn't be, because I HAVE TO BE THERE TOMORROW.

The psychologist in charged asked me if I'd take care of the children that rescheduled the evaluation. I thought "you're doing this because I'm a little late today!", and then "you're doing this because I didn't come last thursday!". But I smiled and said I'd gladly do it.

Later on I discovered the lady picked me and Priscilla because she trusted us, and thought we were the most responsible of the bunch. I guess with great responsibility comes a great responsability, as Peter Parker would never say.

Oh. Still, Priscilla sneaked out and the guy who will be taking her place ressembles George Harrison, just barely. He looks nice, but I swear we've never crossed paths (for granted he studies psychology with me, or else he wouldn't be evaluating). Then, the ESJ will treat us for lunch at some very well-known pizza place, on friday.

On Survey (strange subject), I got to sit next to AngelGuy. Aw, he's cute. Not in a "I might start falling in love with him, nooo!". No (he's gay, anyway). I don't know, he's just sweet. So, so sweet. And, uh, he stole my Survey notebook. Kidding, he borrowed it, he's missing a class. I'll get to sit next to him for a while, because we're working on the SPSS (a statistics program) and we're saving files. Outside Survey, a girl asked me something about Psychodinamics. I always feel cool when I'm reminded I'm an instructor *cough*.

I had my 6:30 class off, so I got to be with Joseph for longer. We'd been together before the 5:30 class (Survey), but it was spent listening to Michelle's trouble with her nephew. And also, enduring a very violent storm. From 6:30 to 7, Joseph and I were together, alone, in a somewhat crowded cafeteria. We had a wonderful time together, like nobody else was around. There are days when we just click. We always click of course, but it's something deeper once in a while. Like today.

I can't describe it, and I'm sure you appreciate, because then the entry ends sooner. Yay. But not without me whining about a never-ending headache I've had on and off since last night.

Joseph is not coming online tonight, so I'll take advantage of the time I could spend talking to him on studying. But I just want to emphasize that I am madly in love with him, and even though we're very, very different, I consider him my soulmate. No, really.

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