Never fails, I dream of a guy and I get quasiobssessed.
Tuesday, 12/06/05 - 9:36 pm.

I sleep very little. I eat as usual. I'm working so hard, and I still don't see this semester ending...even though it will, next week.

Last night/this morning/this afternoon I was able to correct like 25 10-pages-long psychodynamics essays. They're crap. I wish those kids were still in class, so I could go and tell them how much their writing AND their ideas suck. The essay is about violence, during civil war and the present, and some just can't see beyond their nose.

I had this cute/scary dream, in which I was with PuppylookingGuy, who shall be called from now on HippieGuy. You see, he's in 1st year of psychology, but he graduated from my high school a year later than I did. I sort of know him, and I've always been drawn to him. He's actually the kid Joseph switched pants/shorts with, so that HippieGuy could have an expositon in a more formal outfit, and Joseph ended up having his tattoos exposed. Look at him! He looks like a junkie, dresses like a surfer, grows his hair like a pot-smoker AND YET IS SO FUCKING SOBER! What the fuck?!

Anyway...HippieGuy was in front of me, accross a table, and he showed me a butterfly. Not a real one, but I'm not sure what it was made of. Then he started to come closer, like he was going to kiss me, and suddenly Joseph shows up, sits next to me, puts his elbows on the table and asks me what we're up to. I think I woke up after that. And I ended thinking too much about HippieGuy, who I barely know, and having doubts about Joseph, who is my boyfriend.

I guess my problem is that Joseph doesn't fucking grow. At all.

*sigh* Well, I have my Social final tomorrow, and I have yet to study. I was so sick of reading essays that my blood pressure lowered, and my heads turned pale and cold. I didn't feel good for a while, and I had to go for a walk. 'Twas strange.

More tomorrow. As usual, eh.

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