At least I successfully shopped...for the most part.
Monday, 12/19/05 - 9:59 pm.

Well, fuck. I had some trouble at the psych clinic this, long story short, I still have to go tomorrow...for the whole day. To turn in the psychological evaluation report to my patient's mom. Oh, it's gonna be fun. NOT!

On the bright side, since I realized I was not going shopping tomorrow, I went today. With my little nephew. To the mall in which there's a store where Joseph is still "working" at. But I wasn't sure he was gonna be there.

I successfully bought presents for my brother Carlos, my parents and my niece. And I chose one for my little nephew. At that time, I found Joseph, and I was seeing him on and off because I was meeting with my sister at a coffee shop in front of Joseph's store. My nephew barely noticed him, because he was looking at videogames.

I bought my nephew a slice of cake, and he happily ate away, as I stared and a Santa Claus, and how a little girl approached and started talking to him. It was so sweet. Just three kids approached in all the half hour my nephew and I were on that food court. I was a little sad, but seeing that little girl, with all her illusion, just warmed my heart.

When my sister showed up, she went off with her son to finish her own shopping, and I was gonna do the same. I was actually going to introduce her to Joseph, but she dissapeared. So Joseph and I walked around, and all I accomplished in that nearly hour and a half was my nephew's present, and a possible present for my nephew in Houston.

You know what sucks? I can't get anything for Joseph. I've tried and tried and nothing fits. I got so depressed, because he already gave me my present for him, and he claims it was so hard to find it, but he trusts I'll like it. Action figures, clothes, something for his bedroom, music, movies, books, for his name it, I've tried it all. I'm so desperate. I'd bought a Stephen King book for him, but he's not much a reader, so it's no gift at all. I'm on the verge of breaking down. I need a solution.

You know, maybe I'll just break up with you, so I'll avoid having to find a very special present for you.

That aside, it was great. I told my sister to pick a book, because chances are, I know her favorite authors and subjects but she already owns those items. So she chose a book, and was happy. My little nephew got to see what I got him, because I had no time to wrap it up (the lines were unbelievable, and I still had to get other presents); I hate myself for that, but at least he likes it.

Oh, well.

Hey, I GOT THE HIGHEST SCORE IN THE ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR FINAL EXAM!!! I got an 8, which, as I've already said, it's a 10 with Mr. Miscellaneous.

I'm tired. The end.

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