Thursday, 03/02/06 - 9:46 pm.
Man, it's march already. Time to make another archive page in my diary *does it*.
So, well, yesterday I got to drink coffee again during the coffee break. It was the last day of the workshop, and I spent the whole morning working in the office, until it was time for me to go to the second floor and put all the desks in order and bring back the coffe machine. Mr. Basket finished late, again. At least the wicked woman stayed this time around and helped carry the materials back to the office.
I approached Mr. Basket when he was leaving, and I asked him if he was still going to be the Social Psychology professor this semester. He said yes, and asked if I was still up for the instructor gig (heh); I am. And he said he'd start doing the paperwork.
But today I went to the university in the morning, to pick up some papers I need to register this semester's subjects on monday. I got a paper with my records, and it said my social service time was a total of 100 hours. A HUNDRED HOURS? I'm supposed to have 250 hours!!! I earned 150 with Mr. Basket...which leads me to believe he didn't finish his homework, and I'll have to find a subtle way to approach him and ask him "man, what the fuck?!?!". It could be a mistake of the system, but I'm inclined to believe he sorta kinda forgot to give me credit for the five months I worked for him. I'm guessing it has to do with a document I got at the Social Service Center. I never knew what to do with it, and he told me to keep it. I was gonna ask for a second opinion, but I kept putting it off and then I forgot about it.
My period arrived today, surprise, surprise. SURPRISE! Almost a month later. Or six days earlier, if this is actually march's period. I don't know, what the fuck. I had killer pains, and I'm sorry to say it wasn't that romantic...I wasn't like "Jesus, thank you, Lord!" for getting it and thus knowing I'm not pregnant (I'd started to doubt the result of the test...even Joseph was going to buy another pregnancy test one of these days). I was more like "fuck, fuck, fuck", because of the excruciating pain. But, um, yeah, Jesus, thank you, Lord. I mean it.
Frog got a haircut today, I believe this is worth mentioning in my diary because she rocks my world. She's bald and looks like a pink worm with white fur, and the man who took care of her left -unintentionally, I'm guessing- half a mohawk on her tiny, insignificant head.