"Tuesday, shoot me in the head"...or not.
Tuesday, 03/14/06 - 9:41 pm.

Tuesdays and thursdays have to be the worst days of the week, in my semester schedule. I have three heavy classes from 4:30 to 8:00 pm, and at least today, I ended up with a headache.

But I hadn't felt so excited in a long time. I'm taking Methods of Evaluation II, and this time around, we get to evaluate adults. I was hesitant at first, but it turns out a few of us will go to a women's church group. And it's just two sessions in the whole semester. Much better than seeing a kid once a week every week of the semester. The church is far away, but I think we got the transporation covered. So I have no complaints on this subject.

My next subject of the day was Communitary Psychology I. I was kind of looking forward to this, because it's like Social Psychology applied in the real world. We have to go once a week and make a diagnosis of the community, what people need, etc. Next semester, on CP II, we make an intervention. I was scared, I still am, but I'm also excited to finally work with people on a communitary level.

The last class of the day was Psychology of Abnormal Behavior II. There's mister Miscellaneous again, and this time around we study general disorders (they don't necessarily begin in childhood). He's an eminence on the fields of depression and schizophrenia. He scares me a little, but I also love abnormal psychology. I already started working on my research for borderline personality. No complaints here, either.

Except maybe that I'm exhausted.

Today I was also introduced to the class of Social Psychology I. I'm their instructor, which means I'm working again for Mr. Basket. I waited around for him, and we talked about the subject, how he was going to teach it...technical stuff. Stuff I pretty much knew, since I took it myself last year.

The really important part is that he's going to give the kids an assignment, which will be their final report, about a Likert scale (they give you statement about a topic and you rate each statement, say, from "completely agree" to "completely disagree"). The whole group will create a database. Yeah, we did that.

And I'm planning on publishing an article about it. The university says we need to get the students' work "out there", and this would be a good way to start. I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking part of it, since you'll be working closely with them.

He meant being credited as co-author. Holy shit. I had to say yes. I get to write a scientific article!

I hated being introduced, though, it's nearly the same group I was an instructor for last semester. But Carmen is there. She didn't even look at me, she pretended to be looking down at something on her desk. I've always hated those attitudes in her, but I can't be bothered with her anymore.

So let's see, I'm in the child abuse project, taking four subjects that requiere field work (for Applied to Industry, too), being an instructor and eventually writing an article. No wonder I have a headache. I feel seriously overwhelmed, but I'm so happy.

*throws confetti and collapses*

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