Oooh, a boring, short day-log.
Monday, 03/27/06 - 10:02 pm.

I had to be in campus at 9 am, for my weekly Methods of Evaluation II meeting. It lasts two hours, but in my group there's Victor, Michelle and Victoria (plus two unimportant people), and that's nice. At 11 am, when it finished, Victoria told us to go to her house, instead of staying in campus, rotting.

I take the car now, you see, so I was able to drive her, Victor and yours truly (Michelle went back home), first to the supermarket, to get something to eat, and then to her house, that's like 3 minutes away from campus by car. We had lunch there, and it was relaxing, to say the least.

Victor and I had a child abuse project meeting at 2 pm, and Victoria came back with us only to take advantage of my car (hehe). The lady in charge of the project had an emergency so she left for at least 30 minutes, and I took a nap meanwhile. The meeting finished at 4:30, and until 6:30, time of our only class of the day, we hung out. We sorta studied, too, we had a quiz today.

What fucks me up is the road to campus. All the trees on my way there have been cut down to build two more lanes, so I was stuck in traffic and my arm was getting fried. It's a sad thing to watch, the place looks pathetic. Also, all the trees on the street next to mine have been cut down, too, for the same reason. It's a concrete desert, horrible. It makes me thirsty. It's desperating, how they're sweeping life away. Let's not mention that, because of our position in the globe, the sunrays shine directly all year long. JOY, I say.

I, um...I'm tired. So, bye.

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