The usual nasty comments, taking turns, and missing a page.
Monday, 04/24/06 - 9:41 pm.

I try, and ussually succeed, at being a deeply patient person. I proved myself that today -again- when I endured a one-hour long traffic jam in the morning. It took me an hour to get to campus, when it usually takes me 15 minutes. I mean, not that I had other choice than endure it, but hey, I was cool about it. As long as I have air (my car has *air*, not AC) and music, it's ok. Most drivers are JERKS...but even that didn't get to me.

I'm also trying to be patient with the comments I get at my blog, or rather I just try to ignore them. It's hard, though, who knew people can be so spiteful? It's funny, but I get the anticipation of all those bad comments, and my hands turn cold when I log into my e-mail account. Isn't it silly, and awfully stupid? I tell myself I should just delete it, but I end up posting again, because I like having a space where I can speak my mind on certain subjects. Some will agree with what you say, some will send you to hell. I don't mind people not agreeing with me, but I do hate that they feel the need to attack me personally when that's the case.

That makes THIS diary my favorite one, for not getting me into trouble and being a release and a shelter for all my daily emotions *hugs it*. Yayness. And now, moving on.. .

Yes, I endured a one-hour traffic jam. I left home at 6:30 am, with a meeting scheduled at 7, for the child abuse workshop to be held this whole week from 8 am to 3 pm. I was less than thrilled. Long story short, though, Victor and I decided to take turns, so we won't get burned out this week. Each of us will only have to show up for work two more days, instead of the four that'd have been if we were both coming to be "logistic".

That leaves me some time off to go out with Joseph tomorrow morning. I have a lot of things to do, but I'm really tired and I seriously need a break from everything academic. Having coffee with him would be nice.

Speaking of academics, I had a midterm tonight, Applied to Industry. Afterwards, I realized I have an entire section wrong (it isn't that big, but still). And you see, I can't blame this on how much I dislike this subject, because it was just a matter of reading, and I didn't read the part of the chapter that contained that information. I feel so stupid.

I'll leave before the self-loathing takes flight. Anyway, I'm too tired to care about them or my midterm result right now, thank the Lord for that.

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