That's the underlying point.
Saturday, 09/16/06 - 11:28 pm.

Joseph called me last night, inviting me to go see a movie. It was nearly 9 pm, so I had to say no....not for me, I'm still scared of what my parents would think. I know, I suck.

I'd seen him in the morning, yesterday. When I got to his house, he was sweeping the floor. He'd turned his bedroom upside down, and it looks great. He'd done it mostly for me, I wanted the bed on the second room (his bedroom is like a little apartament). So now when you walk in, you're walking into a lounge. I had to thank him for all the trouble.

Anyway. I hate rejecting his invitations, so today I called him and said I'd be picking him up at his workplace in 20 minutes, that we'd go to the movies. We stopped by his house so he could get dolled up. We saw The Break-Up, and we were disappointed with the ending.

I can't see my life without him. He's funny, and looks after me all the time, and I feel so good when he's around. I love holding his hand, and anything and everything is better when I'm doing it with him. It feels like he's my husband already. I wish that, instead of going our separate ways after the movies, we'd go to sleep on the same bed.

Well, you get the damned point.

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