Monday, 11/06/06 - 11:00 pm.
I've decided to start early with my christmas shopping, so I went to the mall this afternoon, before class. Joseph tagged along. But it seems all streets in the city are half-closed due to some pipe work. So a five-minute trip from his house to the mall turned out to be a 20 minutes traffic jam.
I failed finding gift ideas for my family. I succeeded at finding christmas cards for my friends. Joseph bought me my present; he saw a backpack I liked, and he said "this is your style", and he paid for it right away. And that's my christmas present from him, which I'll start wearing tomorrow. He's inmensily thoughtful sometimes.
Going from the mall to his workplace and then to university took me nearly one hour. The whole way to university was an endless line of cars. It was depressing. DEPRESSING!!!
And all that, to come to find that class had been cancelled. If anything, I paid this month, and sold a bracelet to my friend Samuel (I think he just bought it to support national talent...whatever, dude, I won a dollar!).
It was another hour, to get back home. It was miles and miles of cars, moving slowly. I don't get actively desperate when stuck in traffic, but after it's over and I get home, I feel like crying and get very upset. I thought of taking an alternate route, but it's been closed due to that pipe work, and plus, I drive by a stadium and Shakira was playing there tonight, so it'd be nearly impossible to get through that route.
I can hear her singing right now, what a torture the high volume must be causing; I don't live exactly near the stadium, and I can perfectly recognize the song she's singing at the moment. It's kind of old, and I liked her old stuff, when she had black haire. I even liked her with red hair. But things change. I'll get over it.
It's time for bed. All this traffic wore me down. Good night.
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