Friday, 01/26/07 - 7:14 pm.
I'm banging my head against the wall, because Aerosmith AND Velvet Revolver will be playing in South America in April/May. There's no way I could go, money-wise, time-wise...impossible.
On brigther news, I've gone to the gym for five (six?) days straight; today I met a compatriot who worked there, at the counter. He came to Houston when he was 2, but keeps visiting the country. And that's about it. It's funny, engaging in a conversation with someone who comes from the same land as you seems a must.
My little nephew and I were playing Trivial Pursuit. It's a great game, but he and I are quite ignorant on most subjects. But there are also Beatles questions and such.
We're supposed to go to the movies at 7:50, but I doubt we'll make it. I'm preparing two pizzas...they're done now. Anyway, I don't feel like going. My niece and little nephew are. My niece stayed home today, she has the flu. She was incredibly nice and cuddly, so yeah, she must be very sick (my alternative punch line was "I hope she gets sick more often").
To finish this entry, I'll post a meme. I was tagged my
Debo responder a estas preguntas con el titulo de una cancion, pero todas deben ser del mismo cantante y/o grupo. Elijo a Aerosmith (duh).
1) �Eres hombre o mujer?
R: Girl Keeps Coming Apart.
2) Descr�bete
R: Nine Lives.
3) �Qu� sienten las personas cerca de ti?
R: No Surprize.
4) �C�mo te sientes?
R: Can't Stop Messing.
5) �C�mo describir�as tu anterior relaci�n sentimental?
R: Buried Alive.
6) Describe tu actual relaci�n amorosa
R: Deuces Are Wild.
7) �D�nde quisieras estar ahora?
R: Living On The Edge.
8) �C�mo eres respecto al amor?
R: Don't Get Mad, Get Even.
9) �C�mo es tu vida?
R: Lick And A Promise.
10) �Qu� pedir�as si tuvieras s�lo un deseo?
R: Walk On Water.
11) Escribe una cita o frase famosa
R: Let The Music Do The Talking.
12) Una despedida
R: Kiss Your Past Good-Bye
EDIT: you can tell I don't do this very often, I forgot to tag someone else. I tag
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