Wednesday, 03/21/07 - 10:47 pm.
I checked everyone online on my contact list, but there's no one I can IM to get this out of my chest: I just blocked Joseph.
I'm thinking of not talking to him online anymore. Whenever I try to talk about important stuff, he gets mad, because there's either a misunderstanding or at the fact that we only talk about important stuff online, but never in the real world, where it matters. He has a point there, of course.
I always have a lot of topics in mind, but I forget them when I'm with him. And he doesn't remember, either. I'm so pissed off at him right now that I want to break up with him. But I fear I might regret it later. I'm seeing him tomorrow night. Whatever.
Part of me says I shouldn't worry because life will run its course and eventually will separate us for good. But that thought also makes me want to cry in despair, because I love him very much and I just can't conceive my life without him. In my life plan, he's there. Fuck this shit.
On a much brighter note, I might become an instructor this semester, after all...a PAID instructor!!! It's for Applied to Industry, a field I wouldn't like to make a living of, but that still manages to be attractive to me, on a theoretical level. It depends on what the professor says tomorrow, though. I don't know her, the university always gets a random person for this subject, and the one that was there when I took it was crap. I learned a few things, but it was lame for the most part. I heard this lady is good, so, um, ok. Wish me luck.