Change crisis, family, trip, pets, teeth, Jeez.
Friday, 07/20/07 - 11:16 pm.

Lately, I've been wanting a change. To reconnect with old parts of me that seem to have been stored in a box as I was growing up. But honestly, I have no idea what those old parts really are.

But that craving for change has also made me think about getting a new diary (always on DLand). But what would a new username change? Not much, I suppose. Especially because in here I just follow my...whatever it is that makes me be myself. I'm not about to give that little freedom up. And to leave behind nearly five years (five on september 1st!) of my personal history is not a very appealing idea. Maybe it will be, when I finish making a copy of all of my entries. Although that will not happen anytime soon.

Ok, change, change. Didn't I have one of these crisis before? Several times? The type of crisis in which you think of dying your hair, or buying different clothes, starting a new diary, I don't know! I like myself as I am (mostly), but surely there's always room for improvement. I just don't know exactly what and how to improve.

I'll think of something. Moving on...

My niece will spend 6 months (and not 2, as original planned) in that facility, for "problem kids". And she might spend even more time there, depending on her progress. I don't quite feel a lot of sympathy for her, I'm guessing it's because it did get to a point in which she made me sick with all her tantrums and violence; but I wish her the best. I might even write her a letter, but a light one. There are tons of things that silly girl needs to be told, but experience tells us that anything remotely ressembling of a lecture will be inmediately rejected by her.

Tomorrow my family and I are going to a cabin, and we'll be back on sunday. I'm kind of excited, because I like cold weather and I haven't gone on vacation for the longest time. The down side is that I hate leaving my pets. I could take Frog, but she protects the cats from street cats that sometimes get into the house, through the window (and we need to leave it open so my cats can use the sandbox), or attack them in the garden. I feel sorry for Frog, because then I may never take her to an overnight trip with me again...not that I did it often, anyway. But whenever I could, I'd do it.

I think my wisdom tooth is coming out, but the dentist can't see it and he ordered X-rays. He also said I should never stop wearing retainers. Damn. I think I threw mine away years ago, I didn't know they were for the lifetime. But yes, indeed, I have an overbite growing back. Fuck, fuck, fuck. And I can't get rid of that fucking habit of biting the inside of my mouth. It feels so good, even when blood comes out, but I'm ruining all those years of pain and wires.

So...that's it for today. It felt good, writing all that, however irrelevant. Bye, self, have a nice trip! Thank you.

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