Alone on holidays.
Saturday, 05/10/08 - 9:24 pm.

It'll be almost a week since my parents left for Houston and I've been home alone. I'm very, very, VERY careful with Joseph, because I know I could accidentally give away the fact that I'm home alone for a month. I must act normally, pretending they haven't gone anywhere.

Speaking of Joseph, he finally turned in his resume, and hopefully he'll get a call this week. I'm praying he'll get it. I've seen little changes in him these weeks, like he wants to get serious on all levels, and that includes having a serious job. He said that next year we are going to celebrate all holidays "properly" (this year he was broke and didn't get me anything for christmas, my birthday and Valentine's day, and on V-day, he was abroad), and that he was going to marry me. He says that all the time, but this time in particular he sounded for real and so I got scared.

Today's Mother's Day here (happy Mother's Day to you!!!). It seems I'm spending most of the holidays this year alone at home. See, I thought of telling Joseph this, but I can't, because the whole story is my parents were in Houston all through january (my birthday), and they're over there right now.

Back to me being alone, I love it. Rose, our old housekeeper, comes during the day to help out with the chores. I haven't been home much this week, but I like to watch TV at night (when usually my dad monopolizes it) and listen to music. It's amazing, coming home and sitting back to relax in front of the tube. True, though, I've been neglecting writing, making Simeon cartoons and partly my thesis; I leave those tasks for the night, but I've been coming home much later because I head over to Joseph's. I guess I'm trying to enjoy a little freedom, as much as my Super Ego allows me to.

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