A new, exciting, emotionally exhausting experience.
Saturday, 05/31/08 - 5:17 pm.

This morning I found a condom wrap on my bedroom's floor. I picked it up quickly, thinking what a mess it'd be if Rose found it when she came to sweep my bedroom.

How did it get there? I'll tell you how. I brought Joseph home last night. He didn't sleep over, because that meant waking up at 5:30 am to take him home, and that's an ungodly hour for him. I brought him at about 6 pm, and took him home at 11. It felt like the longest night of my life.

A lot of things went on: sex, a minor fight and friendly conversations on diverse topics. However, I found this whole experience emotionally exhausting, and realized that it was a good thing that I didn't tell him about my parents being abroad. I don't regret anything about last night, though, and I'm happy I dared to do it. I also found out he's a bit less wild than I gave him credit for. And that IS nice.

By the way, he didn't get the job. He's not prepared, I'm afraid, so to help him out a little I got him a book to practice his grammar. I'll be sort of like his tutor. It might be uncomfortable for the both of us, but we can't afford to pay for one and he DESPERATELY needs to re-learn the basics of human language, before he tries to engage in further activities (I think his mom will pay for his english classes, and he starts next month...I'm excited about that).

This is my last weekend alone and that sucks. I haven't talked to my parents since may 5th, except via e-mail. I love them very much, but I do not quite miss them. Plus, I get to have a mess on the dining table, with all the stuff I have to do, and there's no need to move it when it's meal time. And the nights, Lord, I love the quiets nights, with no TV sounds, except if I want to watch it. But, oh, well.

This morning I was monitoring the Theories of Personality kids take their second midterm, and I just felt like smiling in the middle of it, remembering I had my boyfriend on my own bed the night before. Small accomplishments make me proud.

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