Tuesday, 03/24/09 - 8:36 pm.
I'm pretty amazed by how all my plans for this evening fell apart, but I'm in no way stressed or angry about it. In fact, it came to my attention today that I suffer from little to no stress at all. I've come a long way, I suppose. Poor Joseph had to deal with my anger whenever I drove from my university to his house in rush hour. In my defense, though, in the last stages of our relationship I handled it better and I learned to chill. So aside from having a job that is pretty easy most of the times, I've learned to sit back and relax. I even enjoy being stuck in traffic because I get to listen to music.
I came home from work and I had a meeting with W at the clinic. It's been over a month since he's checked my progress with my patients, and while I've been doing ok, I really need some feedback and guidance. FYI, I think one of my patients is finishing her process. She was quite a challenge, because her problem was dealing with the break-up with the love of her life, her boyfriend of four years. Sound familiar? I'm proud of how I handled it, as a therapist, and I'm proud of her because she's coming through.
After meeting with W, I was going to meet up with CR. I met late with W, because I got stuck in traffic...and also, because my baby nephew was home and I have a hard time leaving him. When I finally got to the clinic, my sister in law #3 calls me, trying to reach W. Turns out one of their best friends (also, best friend of Brother #3) has a tumor in his head and he's going into surgery tomorrow. He might not make it. So obviously W wasn't in the mood to review my cases; it frustrated me, and yet I wasn't upset. How could I? He left and I offered him to stay at the clinic to wait for his patient, to let him know W had an emergency (some day to forget your cellphone at home, huh, W?).
Also, CR calls me and says he has been whiskered away and was at the movie theater, french movie for $2 and did I care to join them...him and I have no idea who else (I suppose if it had been Al, CR would have told me). I didn't. I decided to come home and spend the night writing an entry about how my plans fell through.
Hey, at least I got $150. W owed me, from that child abuse research we did in november. Hooray for getting paid.
I have something to look forward to tomorrow: I'm taking the afternoon off from work (first time I do it) to hang out with my baby nephew, and I'll babysit him at night. He makes me so happy. He says my name and I wish he wasn't leaving next week. I won't see him in a year or so, and babies grow so fast.
Also, no Al in sight. Nothing will happen, even though sometimes I allow myself to have some fantasies, just to pass the time. It's not really *killing me* that he isn't interested in me, but obviously I wish he was.
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