Tuesday, 02/04/03 - 6:41 pm.
Uh, hi. Yes, I'm still downloading Yellow Submarine. But I've downloaded more than half of the file now. It should take two more days. Will you please cheer for me?
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.
I'm kind of tired. I was at the UCA since 10 am. But it was rewarding, the friends (Victor, Ern, Victoria, Irene and another girl) I'm working with and I are almost done with our final assignment. The UCA "preparation" course is coming to an end next friday. And then it's college. College, not "preparation course". College.
How exciting. The ESJ students already started classes. I do feel relieved when I think that probably for the first time in my life I don't have to follow the same old routine. No wearing uniforms, no getting up at 5 am, no school pressure....I mean, nothing. No school. And to think that, just less than two years ago, I was dying for school not to finish.
Roberto arrived to the UCA today at noon. We'd arranged a meeting for today. We were together for maybe two hours. It was lovely, to say the least. I also met with Elsy. It's pretty cool, I'm always running into ESJ classmates and friends at the UCA.
Roberto and I had lunch at the cafeteria. It's my $1.14 Special, which consists in a slice of pizza (really good) and 0.437 lts. of chocolate milk. I know, pizza and chocolate milk doesn't sound too well, specially for lunch. But I love that.
Speaking of pizza, that's all I've had for meal since sunday night. We had pizza that night, and I had pizza leftovers for monday breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus today's slice of pizza at the UCA.
I saw D (or more properly, we met). Twice. On his recess and at noon, when he was leaving, when Roberto and I were having lunch. It was really nice, because it was Roberto and me at the table, and he was somewhere else in the cafeteria, and I noticed he noticed us. Then he sat at the table with us, next to me.
Well, that'd be all. The three of us talked about random stuff, and then he just left. His way of saying goodbye is really strange, because he just leans over to be kissed on the cheek. I don't know why I'm even mentioning this.
You know what's really cool? Sharing chocolate milk with him.