The good and the *worst* of human race
Thursday, 05/29/03 - 12:25 pm.

I feel depressed, but for something different this time: I read in the newspaper today that homeless dogs will be "put to sleep"...or more properly, they will be electrocuted to death.

I feel sick, and I've been crying over it, thinking how someone like me could stop that, wondering how someone can have the heart (or lack of it) to do such thing. There's gotta be a less cruel way than passing electricity through their ears and genitals.

I HATE the human race as a whole and I'm completely ashamed to belong to it. Is it enough of a reason to kill oneself?


ON unrelated, much happier news, Paul is having a baby (or his wife, if you want to get technical about it). CONGRATULATIONS, PAUL AND HEATHER!!!

On and off there's this voice in my head that asks me what I'm going to do about D. Honestly, is there anything left to do? I don't think so. He'll never know all I went through, let's move on.

I'm exercising now. I run 15 minutes everyday. Err, I started today. But that's always something. My brother Alan bought a machine that supposedly makes you exercise without an impact on your knees. Cute. So since he's in the USA right now, I dragged the machine to my bedroom (and I wounded a finger, and it I'm wearing a band-aid because when I bleed *by accident* I wear band-aids). I need to produce endorphines, you know....they're like natural antidepressants. Mikey knows that, so he's also exercising himself, going to a pool everyday, to fight his depression (either that or he wants a lot of muscles).

I met two guys yesterday. That's very rare in my life, meeting new people, and specially two at once. They're Cel's friends, and wonderful people. Let's call them 1 and 2. I specially liked 1, but you know, nothing serious. I was just happy to meet somebody. They're really funny.

I sat with 1 and Cel on the grass, while I was waiting for my classes to start and they both were on a break. Fun times, I tell you.

2 said: how weird that a girl likes Aerosmith. Is it? I'd add that it's weird that ANYONE likes Aerosmith, at least around here. I mean, everybody likes Aerosmith...but in a casual way. Not my thrilling-obssessive way. He also said I looked like I was 20. I told him I was 18. "Well, you look very mature, more mature than Cel". "Everyone is more mature than Cel", I replied. Joking, you realize. You know I love the adorable bitch.

If I look older then I won't have to lie about my age, yayness.
- oh, you're 20
- no, I'm 18
- oh, you're 61
- err, no, I'm 43.

Suddenly I don't like that idea anymore.

It's! lunch! time!

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