Complains about the heat and comments about the dog.
Tuesday, 07/22/03 - 1:45 pm.


I got a blade ceiling fan for my bedroom. Two fans have broken down within 2 weeks, and the parental units decided it'd be more handy to have a ceiling fan. What�the�fuck�is�up with fans breaking down right in the hottest days of the year?!?!?! I mean, I'd understand if it was one, but two!.

I'm starting to realize Frog's an old lady now. 7 dog-years it's a lot, and she's slightly obese as well. Aw, I just love the bitch. I had to struggle about 10 years to convince my parents to let me have a dog.

Sweet Mother of God, how can it be THIS hot? I'm unhappy in hot weather, I'm fed-up with everything for today. I want snow *tears*

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