Putting aside the justification, I don't mind being left out.
Wednesday, 07/30/03 - 1:34 pm.

So my siblings are arranging a big (ok, not so big) party for my parents' 35th anniversary. I feel a little left out, because I didn't do anything. They (being my two brothers, my sister and one sister-in-law) all went looking for places to hold it at, and worked on the invitations, discussed everything...

I did nothing. But thinking about it, I don't know what I could've done. And if you take out the fact that "I've been left out", I don't mind a lot....no, ok. I kind of. They're my parents, too, you know? But then again, I hate making phone calls and everything, so on the lazy side, I'm ok about that. Let them be in charge.

I'm actually a tad annoyed at this whole thing. I'm not a social-event person, and I get lazy all over just to think of having to dress up. But that's what everybody wants, isn't it? A good, clean party, to share such an accomplishment with friends and family. Joy, joy, joy.

Tomorrow my other brother and his wife (Renan and Rebeca's parents) arrive from Houston....and now that I think about it, they didn't do anything either, for my parents' anniversary...so ha.

I certainly don't feel any less lame about that, though.

Speaking of feeling left out, I got a call from Adri yesterday: if Veronica's mom calls you, tell her you went to the movies with her, Norman and Rod. I asked her what Veronica was up to, since she was making up such stories, and she said she didn't know.

At night I talked to Rod, and it turned out they three did go to the movies. Again, if you take out the pitiful part, "I was left out", I don't mind not being invited, because I'd have probably found a way to sneak out of the compromise.

I do want to see Finding Nemo, and I was hoping I'd go with my brother (Carlos, and her girlfriend, too), my sister and/or the kids. But it turns out I won't, because my brother is inviting Javier only. The other two kids already saw it, before they came from Houston.

Did I mention Veronica is coming over today? Oh, well, now I did.

I'm going to a bookstore tomorrow morning. There's a fair book or something. Yay, a bookstore. Yay, I'm a geek.

I still don't know how to channel all that...stuff that's running inside of me.

- Head: you know what you could do? rewrite a famous play...say, Hamlet.
- Me: I already did.
- Head: DID YOU?!?!?! well, in that case, just die. You've done your part already.

He talked for a long time about how cool I am, saying I was a very creative, that I should be a cartoonist and not a psychologist, and that I'm always coming up with unbelievable ideas and everything.

Ego booster alert!

Coincidence, or indeed result of it, I came up with an idea for a cartoon. I honestly cannot write anything serious. It ends up being crap. I mean, everything I do ends up being crap, but at least it's crap that makes you laugh. Stories or poems are crap. But if it's funny crap, then at least I can get away with bad writing.

I have the feeling my house is getting too crowded. See, with my parents, siblings (two with significant others), and their kids we're around 12 people. It's a big, nice family, but after living like an only child for months, it's weird. Not that they all live here, it's only my parents, Alan and me, but the kids come over constantly, and that alone brings in a new feeling.

I am often upset, but I can't say I'm not having a good vacation. It's quite entertaining.

Err, Veronica will arrive at any second now, I'd better go get ready.

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