Monday, 08/04/03 - 11:04 pm.
Everybody (three siblings, one sister in law and one cousin) left at 5 this morning for their trip to the country (where they'd meet my parents, who left yesterday).
I stayed home with my niece Rebeca and with my nephew Javier the whole day. For the most part, it was uneventful and entertaining, except for a fight that kept the three of us unhappy, mad, bored, bitter and bitchy for an hour or so.
But it cooled off and we ended up playing SNes and listening to The Beatles. I cooked for them in the evening, and I was getting slightly mad (I can't quite decipher why), but over all I was ok.
Only I got a tad hurt when Rebeca said she wanted to go to her other grandma's know why? Because she wanted to watch Who Wants To Marry My Daddy?. I was a little hurt, because, after all, I was being ditched for a TV show. And a lame one, to add insult to the injury.
But I stayed with Javier and he taught me to play Chess. He won once, and I won once. But then we didn't care and kept on playing even though the King was already dead (if we count that, then I won twice). He, being the little person he is, would get more distracted with the pieces that were already discarded, making them form circles and talk to one another.
I used to do that, because although I've had many, many chess sets in my life, I never learned to play, so I would just play with the knights.
I got to comb his hair, as well. His mom, my sister, always combs it in a way that could be considered "beatle style" (only shorter). Not on purpose, it's just a neat coincidence. His hair is kind of messy on the back and that's really the only style he can have. But today I brushed his hair backward and made it look all spikey. He loved it. So didn't his mommy.
I talked to D last night. I keep him blocked, so I can take the time and decide if I want to talk to him. First I decided I didn't want to...but then I said why not, it'll be alright.
I always appreciate the fact that he's still the one who IMs first. He's still talktative enough to me to tell me he's done this and that, and politely asks how I'm doing.
It's always nice, but I HATE when he logs out all of a sudden, "I'd better get going" and suddenly he's offline, without giving me the chance to reply. No proper goodbye. Perhaps I wouldn't mind if it was somebody else and he most likely doesn't think it's rude because maybe it is not. But to me those are reminders (and remainers) of those awful, heartbreaking times when...
Forget it.
Oh, yeah, anyway...I hate that, so I did it myself, go figure. I was telling him about a place where he could commit suicide for $2.50 and the Capuccino would be on the house. I can't remember what he said, but I ended up saying: "yeah, you're right. It's better for you to keep on living, so you can break your nose once again --- Good night, mister".
I inmediately logged off, happy to be, for once, the one who doesn't give the chance to reply. I don't think he cared about that as I do, but at least I avoided being left with the words at the tip of my tongue (or my fingers in this case).
For the most part, life is great (I've had relapses of sadness here and there, even wishes of cutting, but I've been talked out of those). And I just can't find enough words to express how good I feel about having learned to play chess.
*Simeon makes the bishop throw a party for the pawns*
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