Friday, 08/22/03 - 12:13 pm.
I talked to two of my favorite people in the world yesterday, those two boys I love so much. That made me so happy, so, so happy.
And also I heard from The Obese Girl! My high school little friend, skinnier than Olive Oil. My dad saw her somewhere and she told him to say hi to me. It's her birthday tomorrow, and I want to surprise her. I'm sure she doesn't know I remember.
I was watching TV at 11 pm, amused at how much That 70s Show's Hyde looks like Vic (one of those two-boys-I-love-so-much) . And suddenly, the Frasier commercial came on. The one that talks about Niles. I started to cry because I thought of my brother Alan. But at least he's doing fine in Houston. He had no troubles at the airport, and he already has a job in a hospital (that's a block away from the children's hospital my other brother works at), so I won't see him at least for the next 6 months. But I'm so happy that he got what he wanted.
I, on the other hand, must save at least $25 every month, from september to november.