It's all in my head (except for the blister).
Friday, 09/12/03 - 11:21 am.

1 gave me a box of chocolates and three pink roses yesterday (it was our 3rd month anniversary). What an old-fashioned gentleman, isn't he? Lovely, very lovely man.

I got my first blister yesterday!!! Not on my fingers, though. It's on the bone on the back of the wrist. And it was painful. REALLY painful, oh, yes. And very worth it.

Now they're going to teach us how to sing along. I wasn't going to sign up for that, as I'm always embarrased to sing when others are around (I have a terrible, terrible voice), but I thought I'd give it a shot. Hell, why not? Besides, the instructor said once you've learned to play guitar it's hard to start singing along, so we'd better learn how to do both at the same time.

I think I do have sinusitis. Ears, throat and nose, and even eyes, cheekbones and teeth are in pain. I fell asleep at 3 this morning. A stuffed nose is NOT your best friend when you want to get some sleep.

Mom wanted to take me to a doctor this morning, but I said I was busy. I'm such a coward. I can't even swallow pills!!! I can't, I can't. I put them on the back of my tongue and drink tons of water, but it never goes down, either because the tongue gets all thight or because the pill gets stuck and makes me want to throw up. And let's not mention the doctor's stick down your your mouth, it won't hurt. Fucker. I think I'm hypersensitive on that zone.

The day started out awfully. Besides I didn't get a good sleep, the sun was burning, at 8:00 am. I'm lost in time, because the living room wall clock has stopped, and it's been 5:39 since yesterday morning. But whatever the time is now, it's getting cloudy and that's much better. I think I'll come back home from the UCA earlier this evening.

I missed In His Life: John Lennon. I could've taped it, but I found out too late (DAMMITDAMMITDAMMIT!). There'll be a rerun at 3 o'clock, but I'll be in class. I could leave the tape running but I also need to tape Saint Seiya for my nephew (*cough*andforme*cough*), at the same fuckin' time. I know it's unusual that I'd even consider choosing anime over The Beatles, but: A. In His Life may air some other day; B. I'm lacking video tapes; C. I'd rather tape it myself, so I'll skip commercials; D. tomorrow there'll be a Ringo Starr special on A&E, and a John/Yoko special on the History Channel in two weeks. There's plenty of Beatle material to tape (compared to my usual luck, that is).

My period is just arriving. Sheesh, this thing of working out keeps your body clock on schedule. Since I started working out, the period arrives about the same day every month. That makes you be a little more prepared. I haven't gotten any cramps yet, though. I think, I suppose, I hope the body is having enough pain up here in the head and will not give me any more. I've lost my appetite, too. Fun times.

You have no idea how big and painful my skull feels right now. Headache, fever, stuffed nose, sorethroat, teary eyes,'s all in my head (no, I mean...hell, you know what I mean).

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