Run Simeon, run.
Thursday, 11/22/01 - 12:10 a.m..

I'm almost through with the first Aerosmith tape. I already got over the stupid fact that I'm cursed. 'Cause anyway, if my brother allows me to, Michelle, a friend I met on the Internet, might send me some tapes. She's always offering them to me, she's really sweet. I just can't receive them here because of my parents. First (last and only) time she sent me some magazines with the boys on the cover, they...I don't even wanna talk about it, but it got ugly, really ugly.

Now that I've watched some of the weird stuff I have...I don't feel *that* pathetic. The Wayne's World sketch rocks. You can see that Aerosmith are having a hard time trying not to laugh. Not to mention the Nine Lives videos that not many people, even in the US, have.

Denise told me they were thinking about getting cable, mostly *for me*, but no's their house, and to sign a three years contract with the cable company just because I'm going there for a few weeks it's too much. So I'll deal with it. No cable. No Aerosmith.

Aerosmith is sitting where I eat my nut and honey everyday.

Veronica is coming over in a few hours. May is coming over tomorrow. Carmen wants to come over tomorrow...and I have to go to some office to check my ticket and shit tomorrow. The good thing about these people wanting to come *in the last minute* to fuckin' visit me, when they've had plenty of time, is that they'll make me want to leave. Nothing like motivation. But I don't need that motivation, why couldn't they just find a proper time to come, dammit?

I can't start Simeon's book yet, I have no time. I'll have to start when I get home (my brother's place is my second home, ok?). At least I finished making the cards and I'm almost done with the calls. Another good thing of not being here is that I won't have to worry about calling up people. Now I just have to check that there's nothing left to pack. And wait for the stuff that somebody else is sending to my brother's family. Alan is sending the kids these pretty pillows and they take a lot of I have to give up MY things because of somebody else's. I mean, of course I'll take them, it's a nice detail from him but still...the suitcase is not that big. And I'm still waiting for all the shit Denise's mom is sending them, too.

I'm really pissed off. And tired. And nervous. I hate all this. I hate the stress, the short time to do stuff, all the things I have to take with me, the fact that people come to visit me in the last fuckin' minute (the one I'd love to use to stay home and do nothing), the fuckin' morning on that plane...EVERYTHING! Every fuckin' thing! I want to leave already.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to write tomorrow. Neither on saturday. Maybe not on sunday. If by wednesday you haven't heard anything from me...fuck it, whatever. You probably will.

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