Sunday, 09/21/03 - 1:33 pm.
Side A: One-member teamwork.
I'm always surrounded by incompetent teammates. Oh, yes, let's copy & paste somebody else's research off the internet. Oh, yes, I've had two weeks to do my part, but I'm doing it twenty hours before deadline, I hope you can put the eleven parts together overnight and fix some things, because most of the work is mistaken.
Side B: Kill the heartless bitch.
This is not letting me function properly. I have a quiz on monday about side A, and I have a midterm on tuesday. I can't get to study because I'm stuck on side A, and because I can't concentrate, thinking what a mess I've created out of somebody else's feelings. See, the problem in the relationship with my boyfriend is me, and I hope he gets tired of me and dumps me.