Tuesday, 10/07/03 - 11:47 am.
Yesterday I had the longest psychology experiment. I had to be in a room for tow hours, taking time in a test. There were only 10 individuals but some took around 15 minutes to finish it. Only one boy took 2 minutes (bless his heart!!!). 1 took 20 fuckin' minutes. I hated him. I was mad at him all day (still mad about his comment on my dad), and I was mad at everything for that matter. Two hours in a room sitting in a couch, watching the chronometer, drove me nuts.
It was the longest day ever, yesterday. But the experiment is definitely the highlight, what brought everything downhill faster.
But at least I had two bags of Doritos. The price has dropped and they're very cheap. That was pretty much the only good thing about yesterday.
I'm still in a bad mood, leave me alone -cries-.
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